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SEPH Method Accreditation

The practitoner accreditation course contains:

Chakra Mastery - advanced Chakra techqniues

& the CMA accreditation modules

Bringing together the elements of the SEPH Method to create mindful client sessions

This course dives deeper into the chakras, and helps to show how unresolved emotions and behaviour patterns may show up.

For the practitioner accreditation the emphasis is on how to bring all the elements covered together to create impactful and empowering client sessions.

We also look at how to integrate the SEPH technqiues into other holistic modalities.


This course content builds on the 5 individual

SEPH Method mini courses:

Breath Awareness

Emotional Clearing

Chakra Balancing

Mindset Mantras

Empowered Action

The accreditation requires that all of them are completed prior to certification. They are all available separately on our website or as a combined bundle which also includes this Chakra Mastery & Practitioner Accreditation.

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SEPH Method - Chakra Mastery & Practitioner Accreditation Modules


Course curriculum

Positive Happy Me

Positive Happy Me provides a range of holistic courses, many of which are accredited by the CMA.

SarahB & Ali-Kate, the faces behind Positive Happy Me, are both Reiki Masters who are passionate about helping others on their Reiki and Self Healing journey. Between them they have over 40 years experience of working with Reiki and they have been teaching courses and workshops together since 2005.
