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Empowered Action Course & Card Set

The SEPH Method Empower Card Set helps guide you or your clients to intuitively choose the next steps to support the healing journey.

Empowerment & Action = Progress

Knowing we need to take steps to bring about change is one thing, understanding what might help support those steps is quite another!

Taking action and responsibility for ourselves and our situation can be difficult. the Empower Cards give simple to follow suggestions to support the process.

They do not replace other treatments either holistic or conventional, but rather support the process as a whole.

The Empower Card Set & Course

The Empower Card Set is a set of 12 cards each with simple rhyme and an action that anyone can take.

Included with them in the Empowered Action course are some audio sessions explaining how to work with them. They can be used on their own or integrated into an Holistic treatment.

For Example they work well when offered at the end of a Reiki session to support the client journey and empower them in their healing process.

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Empowered Action Course & Card Set


The Empowered Action Course is part of the CMA Accredited SEPH Method

The SEPH Method Practitioner qualification includes all of the following short courses:

Breath Awareness

Emotional Clearing

Chakra Balancing

Positive Mindset Mantras

Empowered Action

Plus a Practitioner Module and Case Studies.

These courses are all available separately so you can pick and mix what you are drawn to, either for self healing or CPD, whilst still keeping the option of becoming a practitioner open to you as you develop.

Course curriculum

About Positive HAppy Me

Positive Happy Me provides a range of holistic courses, many of which are accredited by the CMA.

SarahB & Ali-Kate, the faces behind Positive Happy Me, are both Reiki Masters who are passionate about helping others on their Reiki and Self Healing journey. Between them they have over 40 years experience of working with Reiki and they have been teaching courses and workshops together since 2005.