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SEPH Method Foundations Course Bundle

This collection of short courses introduces the mindfulness techniques that form the foundations of the SEPH Method.

The Foundation Course Bundle

Included in the bundle is

Breath Awareness

Emotional Clearing

Chakra Balancing

Positive Mantras

These mini courses include practical sessions you can follow with guided meditations, Chakra visualisations and the Positive Happy Me Session journal sheets which help create a framework to bring the elements easily together.

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SEPH Method Foundations Course


How will these courses help me?

The mindfulness techniques covered in this course bundle can be used to create sessions for clients. to integrate into other modalities you work with such as Reiki, or as techniques for self healing.

Bundle Includes

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle

Breath Awareness with the SEPH Method

Emotional Clearing Course with the SEPH Method

Chakra Balancing with SEPH Method

Positive Happy Me

Positive Happy Me provides a range of holistic courses, many of which are accredited by the CMA.

SarahB & Ali-Kate, the faces behind Positive Happy Me, are both Reiki Masters who are passionate about helping others on their Reiki and Self Healing journey. Between them they have over 40 years experience of working with Reiki and they have been teaching courses and workshops together since 2005.