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SEPH Method Accredited Practitioner Bundle

Become an accredited SEPH Method Practitioner

The SEPH Method Practitioner Bundle includes:

The Breath Awareness, Emotional Clearing, Chakra Balancing, Positive Mindset Mantras & Empowered Action Audio Courses PLUS the SEPH Card Sets PLUS Chakra Mastery & the Practitioner Accreditation module

Breath Awareness with the SEPH Method

Emotional Clearing Course with the SEPH Method

Chakra Balancing with SEPH Method

SEPH Positive Mindset Mantra Cards & Audio Course


Empowered Action with the SEPH Method

SEPH Method - Chakra Mastery & Practitioner Accreditation Modules

What does the SEPH Method involve?

SEPH is a mnemonic for Spiritual Emotional Physical Healing

The SEPH Method helps us more easily recognise, re-frame and release emotional and energetic blocks that leave us feeling stuck and frustrated and our of balance.

The practitioner course teaches breathing techniques, guided meditations, Chakra visualisations, and mantras and is supported with the unique SEPH Card set which helps identify the underlying emotion and its physical impact.

The SEPH Method and CMA Accreditation

The SEPH Method Practitioner qualification includes all of the following short courses:

Breath Awareness

Emotional Clearing

Chakra Balancing

Positive Mindset Mantras

Empowered Action

Plus Chakra Mastery, and the Accreditation Modules

All the courses need to be completed and the case studies submitted and accepted before the Practitioner Certification is issued.

Choose a pricing plan

SEPH Method Full Practitioner Course - One Time Payment

This pricing plan includes lifetime access to the 5 SEPH Method Audio Courses: 
Breath Awareness
Emotional Clearing
Chakra Balancing
Mindset Mantras
Empowered Action 
PLUS the Unique SEPH Card Set
PLUS the accreditation modules 
PLUS Chakra Mastery modules
PLUS meditation and visualisation scripts

SEPH Method Full Practitioner Course - 3 X Installments

per month for 3 months
This pricing plan includes lifetime access to the 5 SEPH Method Audio Courses: 
Breath Awareness
Emotional Clearing
Chakra Balancing
Mindset Mantras
Empowered Action 
PLUS the Unique SEPH Card Set
PLUS the accreditation modules 
PLUS Chakra Mastery modules
PLUS meditation and visualisation scripts

What people are saying

"I absolutely loved the SEPH Method & Reiki courses. It's really given Me so much understanding of Myself, My spiritual journey and how my own emotions can block Me and My blessings.

I have learnt where I hold them, how to release them, and now I can help others do the same. It really has been a blessing"

Thank you xx

Debbie - Natural Intuitive

"I cannot recommend SEPH Method enough. It has really impacted my business too, I learn so much more about my Reiki client’s integrating the SEPH Method into the sessions, than I ever had before. This helps me to support them in the way that they truly need, to facilitate their own healing, just as I have.

If like me you’re sitting on the fence not sure whether to do it or not, I’d say go for it! You won’t regret it!".

Julie - Reiki Master & Pilates Teacher

"I finally released my old patterns and found my true purpose in the process.

Sarah's approach through the SEPH Method has provided me with exactly what I needed to do this.

I never expected my own personal transformation to be so enlightening. This course has allowed me to really focus on what I am called to do, and in the process has helped me to finally recognise my old patterns, and start to make the changes needed to enable 

Avril - Counsellor

About Positive Happy Me

Positive Happy Me provides a range of holistic courses, many of which are accredited by the CMA.

SarahB & Ali-Kate, the faces behind Positive Happy Me, are both Reiki Masters who are passionate about helping others on their Reiki and Self Healing journey. Between them they have over 40 years experience of working with Reiki and they have been teaching courses and workshops together since 2005.